Class Sponsorship

In addition to the Class Sponsorships below, general donations are very welcome, and benefactors will receive acknowledgement in the Specialty Catalogue and the CMC Newsletter. Donor ads will be placed right after the contributor listings and before paid ads.

Visit our online order form to place your sponsorship.

All sponsorships submitted by 2024 will be included in the Specialty Catalogue. Sponsorships submitted after that date will be recognized on the website & in the Newsletter.

General Donations

General Donations are needed to help offset the cost of items such as hospitality, games, banquet decor, judge's gifts, CMC private area, etc.

Platinum Sponsor ($200+) - receives a complimentary B&W full page ad in the Specialty Catalogue & CMC Newsletter
Gold Sponsor($100+) - receives a complimentary 1/2 B&W page ad in the Specialty Catalogue & CMC Newsletter
Silver Sponsor ($50+) - receives a complimentary 1/4 B&W page ad in the Specialty Catalogue & CMC Newsletter
Bronze Sponsor ($25+) - receives a complimentary B&W business card ad in the Specialty Catalogue & CMC Newsletter
Copper Sponsor (under $25) - receives acknowledgement



Don & Deb Drissell - In Memory of all our special babies that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge:
                                     Roxy, Jazz Me Tazz, Abby Mysti, Bailee, Jesse James, Symba

Gold Sponsors

Pat Presson - In Memory of Jack & Lucy

Beverly Ward - Windward Mastiffs

Silver Sponsors

Class Sponsorships

BABY PUPPY DOG $15.00 Don & Deb Drissell
BABY PUPPY BITCH $15.00 Tina Seymour - Devincourt Mastiffs
6-9 PUPPY DOG $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs
6-9 PUPPY BITCH $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs
9-12 PUPPY DOG $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs
9-12 PUPPY BITCH $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs 
12-15 DOG $15.00 Sirena Van Schaik - Hazelwood Mastiffs
12-15 BITCH $15.00 Sirena Van Schaik - Hazelwood Mastiffs
15-18 DOG $15.00 Beverly Ward - Windward Mastiffs
15-18 BITCH $15.00 Rainy Days Mastiffs - In Memory of Rainy Days Reflection of Comstock
CANADIAN BRED DOG $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs
CANADIAN BRED BITCH $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs 
BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs 
BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs 
OPEN DOG $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs 
OPEN BITCH $15.00 Carrie Baron - Thunderbaron Mastiffs 
RESERVE WINNERS DOG $30.00 Sue Leitl - Bolo Mastiffs
RESERVE WINNERS BITCH $30.00 Sue Leitl - Bolo Mastiffs
WINNERS DOG $40.00 Sue Leitl - Bolo Mastiffs
WINNERS BITCH $40.00 Sue Leitl - Bolo Mastiffs
7-9 VETERAN DOG $15.00 Tina Seymour - Devincourt Mastiffs
7-9 VETERAN BITCH $15.00 Amanda Kelly - Black & Tan Magazine
9+ VETERAN DOG $15.00 Alexis Breslin & Lisa Breslin - Fortress Mastiffs
9+ VETERAN BITCH $15.00 Rainy Days Mastiffs - In Memory of Can Ch Rainy Days Stellar Romance
BEST VETERAN $50.00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
BEST OF BREED $75.00 Caleya & Trevor Davie - Bendegeit Mastiffs
BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX $60.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
BEST OF WINNERS $60.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
AWARD OF MERIT $50.00 Sue Leitl - Bolo Mastiffs
AWARD OF MERIT $50.00 Heather Eusanio - In Memory of Excelsior's Ellie Mae
SELECT DOG $50.00 Shannon Chapman - Rugerlane Bulldogs
SELECT BITCH $50.00 Rainy Days Mastiffs - In Memory of Rainy Days HMS Talk Of The Town
BEST PUPPY $60.00 Alexis Breslin & Lisa Breslin - Fortress Mastiffs
BEST BABY PUPPY $60.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
BEST CANADIAN BRED $50.00 Becky Carr
BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR $50.00 Sirena Van Schaik - Hazelwood Mastiffs
BEST STUD DOG $50.00 Connie Hachey - Gallant Mastiffs
BEST BROOD BITCH $50.00 Connie Hachey - Gallant Mastiffs
BEST BRACE $50.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
BABY PUPPY DOG $15.00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
BABY PUPPY BITCH $15.00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
6-9 PUPPY DOG $15.00 Don & Deb Drissell
6-9 PUPPY BITCH $15.00 Heather Eusanio - In Memory of Excelsior's Ellie Mae
9-12 PUPPY DOG $15.00 Shannon Chapman - Rugerlane Bulldogs
9-12 PUPPY BITCH $15.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
12-15 DOG $15.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
12-15 BITCH $15.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
15-18 DOG $15.00 Beverly Ward - Windward Mastiffs
15-18 BITCH $15.00 Amanda Kelly - Black & Tan Magazine
BEST IN SWEEPS $30.00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
BEST OF OPPOSITE IN SWEEPS $20.00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
7-9 VETERAN DOG $15.00 Wendy Dowhan 
7-9 VETERAN BITCH $15.00 Traci McKeown-Weaver - Hrothgar Mastiffs
9+ VETERAN DOG $15.00 Alexis Breslin & Lisa Breslin - Fortress Mastiffs
9+ VETERAN BITCH $15.00 Rainy Days - In Memory of Am Ch Dion’s Grace for Rainy Days CGC TDIA
BEST VETERAN $30 .00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
RUNNER-UP $20.00 Carrie Klaiber - Gatehouse Mastiffs
RESERVE DOG $15.00 Pat Presson - In Memory of Jack & Lucy
RESERVE BITCH $15.00 Pat Presson - In Memory of Jack & Lucy
WINNERS DOG $30.00 Pat Presson - In Memory of Jack & Lucy
WINNERS BITCH $30.00 Pat Presson - In Memory of Jack & Lucy
BEST OPPOSITE ALTERED IN BREED $40.00 Beverly Ward - Windward Mastiffs
BEST ALTERED IN BREED $50.00 Beverly Ward - Windward Mastiffs
SOCK RACE $15.00  
SPOON RACE $15.00  
HOT DOG CATCH $15.00  
SACK RACE $15.00