General Specialty Donation

For a full description of General Sponsorship benefits, please visit the Sponsorship page.

Donation Amount:

Parade of Titleholders

Please email a brief description including your dog's registered name and titles, date of birth, call name, owner's name and brief summary of the dog's achievements (limit of 150 words) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be included in the Specialty catalogue.  

To view a complete description of the parade, please see the Parade of Titleholders page.

Catalogue Advertising

For a full description of the different types of catalogue ads and instructions on submitting, please visit the Catalogue page. 

Please note: ads must be received by ......................

Catalogue Advertising:


39 In Stock


Please select the following Specialty Classes you would like to sponsor, clicking ADD TO CART after each selection. If a category shows as OUT OF STOCK, it has already been sponsored, please choose an alternate, if you like.

Price range : $0.00 to $75.00
Specialty Class Sponsorship:

Sweepstakes Class Sponsorship

Please select the following Sweepstakes Classes you would like to sponsor, clicking ADD TO CART after each selection. If a category shows as OUT OF STOCK, it has already been sponsored, please choose an alternate, if you like.

Price range : $10.00 to $30.00
Sweepstake Class Sponsorship: